I`m waiting for first workers of Solenopsis invicta. Workers are very small. I`m affraid that when colony grove up some workers can escape. How to provide them from escape?? Maybe somebody of you keeps S.invicta or other small dangerous ants and can answer me.
At first, it would be nicfe to know where are you from and How da hell are you keeping your dangerouse ants ( i meen, in a glass, in some petry and how do you keepthem in), therefore I`ll be able to give you ideas and options for keeping your colony inside the .... well hwerever they are now.
By the way, if they are in a realy small place, you can moovethem to a biger and you´ll be done.
b- lukie.
nadie puede comprobar que los bichos no sientan dolor ni tengan voluntad...