Found them under a rock, walking on an Italian countryside street, can someone please help me to ID them?
IN another forum they told me could be Aphaenogaster subterranea
Can you please also recommend the diet for this species?
I think too that this specie is Aphaenogaster subterranea...But im not sure...wait the comments of the experts in taxonomy
The diet....insects(flies,mealworms,cocroach, crickets....etcetc..)and water-sugar or water-honey..... I think I see in any post of the forum that this specie can eat grain...(Corn etc) but im not sure.
Yo también creo que esta especie es Aphaenogaster subterranea, pero no estoy seguro al 100% asi que esperemos que llegen los grandes maestros de la taxonomia...y de paso me digan que es el alado ese que coji hace dias
La alimentación, insectos, moscas,gusanos varios, cucas,grillos.....y agua con azucar o agua miel... y no se si me parecio ver en algún postque aceptaban grano....
Thank you for help, actually i fed them with sugar, jam, meat, fries and they eat everythings. But how can i do with honey water? Until now i've place a bottle cap with water filled with cotton but seems they doesn't care at all of water source. Twice a week i nebulize water on the ground.
The honey water is really easy, mix the water and the honey a 50% in a capsule of the tablets for example,Sometimes if you put only honey, they dont like the thick flavor ....
I dont know the humidity in this species...but twice for week i think is perfect.
Control the fungi attack, when you have too much humidity in the antfarm they can appear....