Tengo una colonia de A.iberica y la quisiera saber si alguien aquí intentó ya la reproducción de esta hormiga.
Si usted tiene o si usted sabe dónde puedo encontrar las publicaciones en este tema sería grande
le agradece
PS: ¿entienda?

I translate this in englisch in the case you really don´t understand my "spanish"
I have a colony of Aphaenogaster iberica (Queen and about 300 workers) and would like to know if someone here has experience with the reprodution of this ant (or A. senilis) I know the females don´t fly away from the nest but that some of the workers walk away with the old queen and that the others workers produce new queens but do you know how to manage this in the artificial nest ?
If you know where I can find publications about this subject it would be great and I would be very very very thankfull
Thanks and regards